I know most of you are bored to death of hearing about how excited I am to get to Wyoming to see all the family but I just can't wait!! Little Addie was born on saturday and I am sooo jealous of everyone who has been able to hold her and kiss her already. The pictures I have seen are sooooo cute and I just want to be there already to see her and giver her my love. I also want to see Mr. Jackson! He is now talking and has quite a personality and I want to soak him up like a sponge! I can't wait to see Sarah and Eric and catch up with them to see how they're doing. I also can't wait to see my Grandma Aanerud, who will be celebrating her 80th birthday with us while we are in town! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA! Oh, and of course I can't wait to see Amber and Christiaan and MOM and DAD!!! I also can't wait to see my cousins (and Amy's little family too!) and my Uncle Doung and Aunt Becky. We don't get to spend nearly enough time together! I also can't wait to get to Wyoming because now I can wear all those WINTER clothes I have been stocking up on! haha. I LOVE snuggly sweaters but down in the south we really only have about 2 months where it is actually cold enough to wear them.....with the purpose of keeping you warm and not just wearing them because it's december. I can't wait to hang out at my grandma's house because it holds so many fun family memories for me AND I am glad that this time around Ryan is able to join our family and we are able to now make more fun memories together. I also can't wait to see my other Asay friends and sisters-in-law! I can't wait to see Taryn, Brady Carrie and Brad and her little family! (i think you all are coming?) But for sure Taryn and Carrie! I am so happy and proud of my family and I always cherish any time that I get to spend with them. I wish we were staying longer but I know we will have loads of fun! See you in TWO days!!!
4 weeks ago
i was reading about how excited you were to see sarah, eric, amber, christiaan, mom, dad, grandma, cousins, etc and i was gonna comment and say WHAT ABOUT ME? but then you added me at the bottom!!! YEA!!!! I'm excited to see you too! We WILL be there on saturday and can't wait. what day do you get there?
addie is so stinkin' cute! you're gonna die. she's just perfect. we didn't get to see jacksters when we went to the hospital so i really miss him to. he's gonna be so worn out when we're through with him. :)
see ya saturday!!!
I COMPLETELY understand, we are all going to my grandma's house this weekend for a cousin's wedding, and I am DYING! I haven't met Reagan yet and she's already 2 months!! And I haven't seen my dad since MAY! So you've got complete understanding here! Hope you have fun, we're leaving tonight and I am SO antsy!
We're excited to see you guys too! Travel safe and prepare for some fine Evanston cuisine :)
I'm so happy for you to get to see your family! I hope you're having a fun time up there!
Oh well I'm an idiot, I thought you were already there but then I saw the date of the post...okay so I know you will have fun up there! That's better :)
I'm super jealous!!!:(
I want to hold sweet new little Addie and squeeze Jackson's cute chubby cheeks! Just go on... and ...enjoy yourself.. (sniff sniff)
Woohoo! I'm sure your family is really excited to see you, and so are we! Its really close now...
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