The countdown is on!!! My bestest friend is coming to college station and I could not be more excited! I have exactly one week until I get to pick her up from the airport and get her all to myself for 4 days! There will be lots of laughs, long conversations, hugs, cheers, inside jokes, new memories made and plenty of reminiscing!
I am so blessed to have such a wonderful woman as my best friend. She has seen me through the good times and the bad and never once judged me. She is strong, smart, independent, beautiful and an amazing example and role model for me. I miss her everyday (she now lives in Tenn.) and frequently catch myself wishing that I could run into her room and chat like the many times we did as roommates. I am so glad that God has placed her in my life and can't wait to see what roads life leads us on. I love you momma, your the best!

How fun! I'm sure you guys will have a blast together. Good friends are such a blessing :)
There's nothin' like getting together with your best friend. You can be exactly who you are without holding back. Its a good feeling. Have fun!
Its so nice to have someone as your BFF that you love so much. I'm happy you and Crista have such a strong friendship!
I called you back the other night - hope you are having fun!
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