Today was my first "alternative certification program" class for teaching and I found it quite helpful, informative and inspiring. Mostly the instructors just went over what the certification process will be like and what to expect as a first year teacher. Hopefully I will get through the class and tests quickly and land a job in 3 or 4th grade and begin to make my mark in the lives of young ones.
One thing that the instructor had us do was think about our best teachers we have had over the years and list out the qualities of why we thought they were the best. I immediately thought of a few teachers that had positively impacted my life but the one that had the biggest impact would be coach rob.
Coach Rob was my track coach who I never actually had in a classroom but I regard as the "teacher" that had the biggest impact on my life. He taught me a sense of discipline on the field, the act of being a good sport and respecting not only my teammates but my opponents and officials. He called me out when I was wrong and pushed me beyond my limits to make me stronger, faster and smarter. He always stayed late when we wanted to practice after school and helped me find a sport that I will forever love as long as I am alive. He also watched out for me, helping me find a good university, putting in his "2 cents" on which would best serve my needs, for which I will forever be grateful for. He was always willing and able and never said he didn't have time for me or the team. Thanks coach rob for your compassion, drive, love and support you gave me and you put into your job! I know I am not the only one you have impacted and I hope to be as inspirational to others as you were to me.
I certainly had many more positive influences growing up in the education system which is probably why I want to teach now and I can only hope that I can become a teacher that has such a passion for what I do that I may positively influence the lives of young ones. Here's to the best teachers we have had and the impacts they have had on our own lives.
4 weeks ago
Your first teaching class! How exciting! I have had some really special teachers in my life as well, and I am excited for you to be able to be that for someone else :)
I had no idea you were doing an alternative certification program...SO AM I! I'm doing mine online because I live in Oklahoma, but how exciting. What certification are you doing? I think I'm taking my Generalist 4-8 test April 4th.
AND Coach Rob is DEFINITELY my most influential teacher/coach! What an awesome guy! Oh how I miss high school track!! And I know we aren't the only ones!
This is my first year of teaching and I love it. I'm so happy for you that you are going to become a teacher! Way to go! You'll love it! :)
That's so exciting that you've officially started classes! This isn't the first time I've heard someone talk about Coach Rob. He really must be good.
That is so cool that you've decided to become a teacher, how exciting! Good luck to you, you will be fabulous and fun!
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