I know, I have been super bad with updating this thing lately but ya know, it's been kinda nice unpluggin' from the world. I can't say that we have been real busy or anything we have just been living our lives and enjoying the ride.
::A few things we have been up to::
:finished our backyard and regularly enjoy sitting on the back porch watching the pups play and watching the grass grow.....it's filling in nicely.
:spent many days working on my tan with kelley at the pool.
:celebrated Brooke's birthday with some more pool fun and grillin'
:took my texes test and missed it by 19 points. Yes, it sucks. I am over it.
:ryan had a successful meet and greet event where all of his chairs/co-chairs were able to meet each other and get fired up for the campaign. Joanne Herring and his idol Pat Oxford made an appearance which made it quite the event.
:I have been working part time with the catering company I used to work for in college and am actually enjoying it. It's cool to go to millionaire houses and see all the cool stuff they have. (except for when they have an event outside....I mean, really? it's 100+ and you wanna wine-n-dine outside???)
:had a mini house warming party with friends a few weeks ago.
::a few pictures:
me and kell poolside.

ryan and the boys napping

brooke's bday

our bestest friends.
Congrats on getting the yard finished! I bet that is so nice be done. I am jealous of you getting to lay by the pool and work on your tan. That's my favorite thing about the summer, and I haven't been to the pool even once yet!
that burger looked yummy!!
Man, that stinks about your test. You still sound busy, but I bet it's been nice to kind of relax a little bit!
Oh D how I love our pool days!
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