That's right, Mr. Phelps is now the most ridiculously amazing athlete ever! Can you even imagine going to the Olympics once? Getting a medal, breaking an Olympic or world record? And can you even think about doing something in the world that no athlete has EVER done before in the history of the Olympics? Well, Michael has done all of the above. He not only has made it the Olympics once but has now made it 3 times, I believe. He has won not just one gold medal but 10, and a total of 25 career gold medals.And that 10 gold medals now makes him the only person EVER to have that many gold medals in the history of the olympics. What a title!! Don't forget about the world/Olympic records he has broken. Just in the 200 that he won his
10Th medal in....yea, that was his
7Th time to break just that one world record. Are You Kidding Me?!?! He is truly what the Olympics are about. He is just amazing and defiantly makes me proud to have him on our US team!

What makes me even more proud to have him on our team is his great sportsmanship. I too, hate those who walk around with big heads and don't greet/congratulate their competitors and don't lift up their team. I also cannot stand those athletes who use enhancement drugs to cheat. After all of the interviews and races Phelps finished he always said thank you to the reporters, always cheered his teammates on, and always shook hands with his competitors. He also volunteered himself to more intense drug testing than others to prove that he is a pure, clean athlete. He is one of the few athletes of today that actually sets a good example for the young aspiring athletes to come. I am proud to watch him and can't wait to see how many medals, gold silver and bronze he continues to rack up this year and the years to come. Go Michael GO!!!
Also.. didn't something happen with his goggles that caused him to swim with his eyes closed? Or am I making this up?
yea something like that. he still won but he said he could have broken the world record by much more but as soon as he dove in his goggles messed up so it slowed him down.
We have loved watching him too. We cheer the whole race! He is fun and inspiring to watch!
he's a killer. the thing that blows my mind is half of the time he just shuts it down with 3 meters left and coasts to a world record. the other thing that i thought was interesting is that he is one of 2 athletes on the entire USA team (across all sports) that volunteered to be "super tested" for doping. so they take blood from him daily, and test it for everything imaginable. they are also going to store it for 8 more years in case technology develops for types of doping they don't know how to test for yet. long story short, dude is ligit.
I'm with you on that, GO MICHAEL GO! It's so awesome to watch him, it just makes me smile!
He's my hero! Amazing and so fun to watch!
You gotta love him! He's a machine in the water! The other day out of the blue Josh (8) turns around and says "I think Phelps is the best all time super olympian that ever lived"! - he's a fan!
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