So, as stated before it was ryan's big 3-0 yesterday. I wanted to just give a shout-out to him (like he ever gets on here) on his bday so that is why the weekend was summed up in 2 short paragraphs. For those of you that care, here is the low-down on the 4 day birthday weekend we got to spend together.
(the crew laying out!)

Thursday, up at 6 am so that Danielle can FINALLY get to the beach (i had been on "vacation already for 2 days) and catch some rays before we have to go pick up Christa and Ian ( my bestest and her boyfriend who live in Nashville) from the airport at 9:45pm in houston. Leave the house by about 8 am. dogs and all and head to ryan's office to pick up that paycheck! $cha-ching$. Finally, we arrive to the beachouse at about noon after stopping by the grocery store to pick up the important junk food for the beach. We say our hello's to Shirley and jenny (ryan's mom and sister) and jenny's friend lauren, I tell them i am WAYYYYYY antsy to get out to the sun so we head to the pool and lay out! YAY! i love that Texas SUn! So, after an afternoon in the sun we came back to the house, got all showered up and went to "the spot" for dinner. It was so nice out so we decided to sit out on the patio overlooking the ocean to enjoy our fabulous burgers and shrimpies! yummmmmyyyy!!! And I gave ryan his bday present, a nice seiko watch. I gave it to him early because he had an important lunch date the next morning in which i thought the watch would make him look extra nice! :) Love ya hunny! So after dinner it was about time to pick up my friends from the airport, so we headed back in to town to good ole hobby airport. it is a much smaller, more convenient airport in houston. in case in of you plan on flying in anytime soon......and it is literally 20 minutes from downtown.

this is ryan and i at "the spot" and he is wearing his new spiffy watch! :)
ANYWAY, we get to the airport, pick up christa and ian and talk all the way back to galveston. It was soooo good to catch up with her. Don't you just love those long talks with your bestests? So we drop them off at their hotel and then ryan and I got to bed back at the house.
(ryan and cake #1)

Friday, we get up pretty early, pick up christa and ian and head straight to the beach. Have i mentioned how much i love the texas sun? So really all we did was set up camp, cooler, snacks, chairs, tent horseshoes, boogie boards, footballs and dogs and we just played in the sun all day. Like i said previously sawyer LOVED the beach. We had to make him stop in fear of him having a heat stroke, but he just didn't want to stop playing. How cute! Once Ryan got back from his lunch date more of the family showed up at the house. Ryan's aunt, and cousins came out to hang with all of us. They are so much fun! After we all went in and got rinsed off the girls and I made a cake for ryan. This was cake #1. It was just a cake made from the box but I think those are the best kind. So we sang happy birthday to ryan for the first time. After all the cake we really just hung around talked all night and then went to bed.

Saturday, pretty much the same as friday. expcept that this time john, ryan's dad made it out to join us in all the sun and fun. Once the sun was down we took all the kiddos to the beach to go hunt for crabs.....we saw quite a few! but of course none of the kind you can eat. :( haha. i don't know that i would eat anything out of the gulf anyway. haha. Oh, and we saw a dead jellyfish. it looked like a clear pile of snot. but i have never seen one in real life so that was new for me. Then we really just went in and went to bed.
(above: the picture is of harley with a special doggy hat. too cute right!!!)
(below: me and the girls being silly.)

Sunday, was the day we were really supposed to celebrate ryan's bday considering it was on monday. So we had a few others join us out at the house and this time we sang happy birthday twice to ryan. one cake was just tiny one that christa bought for ryan and the other was an icecream sandwich cake that squirly (shirley) thought up of. it was a cute idea and sooo easy! So sunday we just played in the sun and ate cake and went then went to bed since we had to leave early monday morning. back to work!
(~~make a wish~~cake #3)

(from left to right: robert, deborah, ryan, me, ian and christa. some of our closest friends. thanks for joining us guys!)

Love the pics!
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