Well, here comes ike in all it's glory. The good cities of Galveston and Houston are going to be blasted with it's first hurricane this season. The seawall is only 16feet tall and already this morning the waves are pounding right at the top of the seawall and Ike isn't supposed to hit until this evening. So, I am sure there will be some definate flooding because they are expecting 20 to 25 foot storm surges! YIKERS! This would be one of the few times I am glad we aren't living in Houston. However, we do have LOTS of family and friends that are there in Houston so please,~keep them in your prayers.~ Although they won't be seeing the 20 foot walls of waters, they will be seeing some SERIOUS wind (90mph for 12 hours) and LOTS of rain. Ike is gonna be one crazy storm and I can sympathize with all of those who are evacuating and sitting in that traffic with the other MILLION people trying to get to safer, higher ground (thanks dad for watching out for me. :) ) But sitting in that traffic does suck! Ryan was actaully in Houston yesterday and on his way back home, the traffic leaving town was only moving at 20 mph. :( It took him 3 1/2 hours to travel 80 miles. Hopefully they will soon put in to action the evacuation plan they came up with when rita and katrina came. Which is all lanes of traffic open up to leave town. That is kinda fun, driving down the wrong side of the highway, legally of course. Anyway, mr. ike is gonna be one big ole storm so hopefully everyone comes out ok. We will keep all of our family and friends in our prayers, we love you guys!
4 weeks ago
Okay so I have been wondering who Ike is because yesterday I kept hearing on the radio "Texas hates Ike" and thats it. Anyway I finally saw it on the news this morning and they showed video of the waves already crashing above the sea wall. I will definitely keep all those in Ike's trail in my prayers! Ike, don't you dare mess with Texas!
We have been watching and keep an eye on Ike. I am glad that you guys don't have to worry about leaving this time around. Doug's sister is in Tomball and was told to stay put. We are waiting to hear from her.
Hope you don't get to much rain where you are! We will keep you all in our prayers!
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