Thursday, September 11, 2008

oh, jessica

well, i was watching some music videos on the other day looking for a friend that is in one and then started watching the Top 10 videos.....One of these being Jessica Simpson's "Come on Over" video. First if I may say, I love jessica. I think her "dumb blonde" act was ridiculous but you know she was laughing all the way to the bank with those millions of dollars. I'm thinking she isn't so dumb. Second, I do think she is beautiful and has her head on pretty straight. However, after watching/listening to this video I am not impressed. I really don't like the way she is SOO breathy and trying SOO hard to be SOO sexy and seductive. I am just like, "Lady, just sing the friggin words already!" The song = not so good. Her singing = not so good. The fact that this is considered "country" music = not so good. I mean just because you film your video in a barn, with hay everywhere and wear a pearl snap shirt doesn't make you country.

Oh, and did you know that Jessica Simpson is coming/came out with a new fragrance? It is called Fancy but it really isn't. It smells alright, but I wouldn't buy it. Partly because I am kind of tired of all of these celebrities who turn in to these overnight fashion, handbag, fragrance guru's. LAME. Anyway, the point of that little tidbit is that near the end of Jessica's video she lame-ingly gets a shot of her new fragrance. Nothing like prodcut placement....of your own product. I sat there saying. "Oh, Jess, you could have done better...." 

Just a small thought in my head. 


Eric said...

I haven't seen the video, but Eric gets mad every time he hears that song on the radio. He hates how any singer thinks they can be country. I'm not a fan of Jessica's breathiness either.

Carrie said...


Brady and Taryn said...

Now I want to see the video...just so I can laugh at her.

Kristi said...

I went right to watch that video and I agree with the lame-o shot of the perfume, I mean the whole video she was either sitting in her kitchen sink or dancing in that barn and then all of a sudden she was at the tub with a table so conveniently placed next to it and the frangrance sitting atop...whatev, that was just dumb. I'm always a fan of Jessica but not that time!

Unknown said...

Haha Danielle...I love your posts. I haven't heard any of her songs except for the Come on Over one and I change the station everytime it comes on! I didn't even realize that was her until recently and definitely didn't realize that she had GONE COUNTRY!