Thursday, May 28, 2009
Posted by ryan and danielle at 5:39 PM 6 comments
Sunday, May 24, 2009
More of K & J
Here are a few more of the enagement shoot I did with kelley and Jonathan. I was SOOOOO nevous to do them but am VERY happy with the results. we took over 300 pictures and a little over 100 turned out. I think that is pretty good. Oh, and Kelley and Jonathan like them too. :)
let me know what ya think :)
Posted by ryan and danielle at 11:43 AM 6 comments
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Kelley and Jonathan (soon to be Brege)
Kelley and Jonathan's engagement shots. These are just a few. I may post more later. I had an absolute blast and hopefully will be able to shoot more couples like this! Thanks Kelley and J for letting me stalk you guys for a few hours in the warm Houston sun! Y'all are the BEST! LOVE YA!!!
Posted by ryan and danielle at 5:32 PM 1 comments
Friday, May 22, 2009
We have made progress on the packing but still trying to find a place to actually move in to. HOPEFULLY, tomorrow we will have a solid address (cross your fingers) to which we will belong. I just finished a NINE DAY stint with MACYS. Man, they sure were FAR TO KIND to give me such a rockin schedule. Not only did I work 9 in a ROW but I closed 5 out of the 9 nights. I will take it as my parting gift. THANKS MACYS!!! On a less bitter note, I did complete 1 of the 2 photo shoots I have scheduled. I took about 500 photos and about 200 turned out BEAUTIFULLY! Her name is Stefanie and she is GORGEOUS and so easy to photograph. We had a blast and she will be getting married in August. YAY! I have my 2nd photo shoot tomorrow morning in Houston (engagements!!) and I am super excited, I just hope the rain holds off......or makes for some super cute photos. haha. Let's see, Ryan is still doing awesome at his job, like we all knew he would. He is meeting all kinds of new people and making his network larger than life. The dogs are kind of freaked out cause they aren't sure why all the stuff in the house is being shoved into boxes. I think they think that we are leaving for a long time without them. They are so cute. Lastly, sunday evening we are having a going away party with all my macys girls (whom I dearly do love) at our house. It will be interesting, considering all pictures, candles and decor have been packed away. But I know that we will have a blast and enjoy some kareoke time! I love those girls, they truly are the only reason I enjoy working at macys. Well, that is the best update I can give. Please forgive the random stream of thoughts, I will not be editing this paragraph. I have limited my time to the blog to 20 minutes so I can continue being productive. I surely hope all of you are doing well and enjoying life as it comes your way.
this is stef, could she be any prettier?! p.s. she is a SUPER smarty too!

Posted by ryan and danielle at 6:26 PM 3 comments
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Our blog is boring! UGH! Sorry for all of you readers out there. Maybe soon we will have more "blog worhty" things to write about. Until that happens I will be taking some time off.
Posted by ryan and danielle at 8:56 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
let the chaos begin.....
Posted by ryan and danielle at 8:23 AM 5 comments
Thursday, May 7, 2009
birthday finale

THANK YOU to......
Mom and Dad
John Shirley Jenny and Ryan
Amber and Christiaan
Eric Sarah Jack and Addie
Posted by ryan and danielle at 1:40 PM 1 comments
Monday, May 4, 2009
Ok, so once Ryan and I get settled in back in houston (end of may and I am SOOO excited) I wanted to get some of my most fabulous photos printed. BUT I have no idea where to go. I am definately going to need to blow them up because I want some of them as "artwork" on the walls and such. But if you blow them up and it's not done right the pictures gets all grainy and it looses it's whole effect. >SO< I am asking all you fabulous friends and family out there if you , A.) have had any experience in blowing up/printing large pictures if so.... B.) How much did it cost ya and C.) what was the name of the place or website you used. THANKS a biliion cagillion. yall are the best. :)
and P.S. we have made to 100+ posts!!!! congrats to us. yay! can't believe I have actaully kept up with this that well.
Posted by ryan and danielle at 5:13 PM 5 comments
Saturday, May 2, 2009
got this GEM in the mail yesterday. THANKS MOM AND DAD!!! LOVE YOU! I didn't expect anything since I am the world's worst at birthday's I don't ever expect anyone to give me anything for mine. It's only fair. But I sure appreciate it!! haha.
Posted by ryan and danielle at 8:52 AM 2 comments
growing up
The time has come where we are officially grown ups. How do I know? Because now all of our friends are getting married and having babies. It's kind of weird to look around at your friends and see how far we have all come. No more ramen noodles, late nights cramming for tests, scrounging around a few bucks for the dollar menu, (actually this still sounds a lot like us) it's now all about finding the right dress, invitations, painting the baby room and picking out names. I love that we have graduated to the next level of life. It's fun getting to go to all of these events and root on your friends in their new journey's in life.
Posted by ryan and danielle at 8:38 AM 4 comments
Friday, May 1, 2009
{I was excited to go to dinner so I made ryan take an "excited photo" with me....this is what we got.}
Thursday evening Ryan and I went to dinner with his mom, dad and sister to celebrate my upcoming birthday, the big 24. We went to Ouisie's a gourmet southern style was delish!! I had seafood crepes (not usually a big seafood fan) that had shrimp and lump crab meet covered in cheese with asparagus..mMMm so good!! It was fun getting together with the family to catch up on everything and see what everyone has been up to. Thanks for the wonderful dinner everyone!

{I asked ryan to write me a nice note and this is what I received. such a smarty pants.}

Posted by ryan and danielle at 8:47 AM 9 comments