The time has come where we are officially grown ups. How do I know? Because now all of our friends are getting married and having babies. It's kind of weird to look around at your friends and see how far we have all come. No more ramen noodles, late nights cramming for tests, scrounging around a few bucks for the dollar menu, (actually this still sounds a lot like us) it's now all about finding the right dress, invitations, painting the baby room and picking out names. I love that we have graduated to the next level of life. It's fun getting to go to all of these events and root on your friends in their new journey's in life.
4 weeks ago
aww! cute post. i sometimes struggle with 'growing up'. partly just because i don't love change. i'm always missing what i had before. i'm trying to enjoy the here and now, because obviously it's pretty good if i'm gonna be longing for this very moment in a few years.
I know what you mean, every time I go to the mailbox I get another wedding invitation! I think this is a fun stage, just at the beginning of everything!
So true! You guys are popular, look at all those invites!
I know what you mean! Sometimes I don't feel any older than I did in highschool. But sometimes when I think about it, I realize what stage of life we're in, and I love it. Babies, school, field trips, friends, gymnastics, T-ball, etc. Love it :)
Sweet post, thanks :)
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