Ok, so once Ryan and I get settled in back in houston (end of may and I am SOOO excited) I wanted to get some of my most fabulous photos printed. BUT I have no idea where to go. I am definately going to need to blow them up because I want some of them as "artwork" on the walls and such. But if you blow them up and it's not done right the pictures gets all grainy and it looses it's whole effect. >SO< I am asking all you fabulous friends and family out there if you , A.) have had any experience in blowing up/printing large pictures if so.... B.) How much did it cost ya and C.) what was the name of the place or website you used. THANKS a biliion cagillion. yall are the best. :)
and P.S. we have made to 100+ posts!!!! congrats to us. yay! can't believe I have actaully kept up with this that well.
4 weeks ago
I'm no help, I've never had pics blown up. My mom got us some of our wedding pics blown up just to an 8x10 and it wasn't grainy or anything. I think she just had it done at Wal-mart.
Do you have a Costco out there? I know of a few people who get all their prints from there and they do a great job for a great price.
Sorry, no advice, but congrats on the 100+ posts! We love them all!
Hmmm Ritz?? Or try this website- my sister-in-law uses it for family pics to hang on their walls!
I personally havn't had anyting blown up really big for artwork, but I did have a couple of friends who used either snapfish or shutterfly. They can get pretty big prints that way. But the canvasondemand sound really cool . . . I might have to check that one out myself! Good luck -- let us know what you do!
I use Wolf Camera/Ritz Pix for my printing needs! I have not blown anything up larger than 8x10 though, so I'm no help in that dept. I used Sams once to blow up an 11x14 and that was a mistake! I know Shutterfly does good work with smaller prints, so maybe larger too. And I'm going to check out that canvas on demand too, that sounds neat!
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