Monday, June 22, 2009

a HUGE thank you!!

::NOTE:: this is LONG but oh, the magic that ACTUALLY happened.
This weekend we were busy little bees. As I mentioned before we completely renovated the ENTIRE backyard. My mom and dad came up to Houston Friday night so hey could drop off a few tools and so we could get a good early start on Saturday morning. So, at about 8 am my parents, ryan and I, ryan's father, John and a couple friends, Kelley and J were all here and ready to undergo what would end up being a 12 hour job. (i am still sore today, it hurts to cough. ha!) We got a bobcat, 4 pallets of grass, and one fat pile of sand and got to work. Luckily, we have one HUGE red oak in the backyard so it was shady for most of the afternoon,(but it was still a good nice and humid 95+) without that we would have certainly had some heat stroke issues. The bobcat was fun and interesting.....not one of us had ever driven it before and so the boys had a fun time figuring it all out. It's a little difficult because there are two pedals and two joysticks, all of which do something different. Ryan and my dad did most of the driving, I stayed away from it.
So the process of the backyard was as follows: Clear out the remaining weeds and trees, Fill in the pond with the dirt around it (for some reason they built the pond HIGHER than the house....not smart when it rains.) and level out the backyard. Then lay sand to further even out the land and to help the sod grow a little better. Next lay sod. Last, water everything like crazy.
Here are the results....


Some more befores...
part of the pond area.

we came across quite a bit of wildlife in the backyard as well.

ryan did a great job on the bobcat! Great job hun!

quite a tight fit to the backyard, but dad did AWESOME!!

dirt and sod makes us happy.

John working hard!
J and my madre digging up the never ending pile of lava rocks.

nearing the end.

our sweet red oak, probably 50 years old. it's grown through the chain link.

and one last shot of all of the hard work!!!!

I really was there working, I know I am not in any of the pictures but I promise I worked as well. Actually, I worked all day until I had to go to real work. After I finally got home (around 11:30p.m.) All I could do was stare at the amazingness that had happened in my absence. I even get a little emotional about it, strange I know. Ryan and I were talking just about how amazing it was that we had an idea, then a plan and then LOTS of help and just that it all worked out perfectly and we can say that WE did it. That is probably why it's that much more special.


Sunday morning I woke up and decided I would go ahead and attack the front yard because if I didn't just get up and do it, it would be a hot mess for a while. And I was already sore so why not. All I did really was take up half the garden and lay down some more sod. I just didn't like that half the yard was mulch.....and I am not much of a gardener so it would always be mulch and I think grass is prettier. So, I dug up the weeds, monkey grass and stones and Ryan took out the extra mulch. I laid down some sand, leveled it out and added the grass. I don't have the best shots of the front but you can kinda see how it was before.



All I can say is that we are now the proud owners of an amazing backyard and are so pleased with everything!! I think this may actually help me become a better gardener because even though it was a lot of hard work it was a lot of fun. The dogs DEFINITELY love the new grass. Before they would just tip toe around and try to find somewhere flat to potty but now they are free to roam and they are soooooooo happy with it. What else is nice is we get a lot of birdies in the morning as well. They love to play in the sprinklers and take their baths. Sawyer likes to stalk them and chase them out of the backyard. It's pretty cute.

BUT what is most important is that we were so blessed to have those who voluntarily helped us. With out Lynn, Alan, John, Jonathan and Kelley none of this would have happened!!! We are truly so blessed to have those around us who will help with the projects that aren't so fun! We can't thank you enough!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! We LOVE you all and are now FOREVER indebted to you all! (or until you have a backyard that needs help.)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

a little update

I have been really good in studying studiously for like a million days in a row and I do get on here and check up on everyone but just don't blog but this evening you all are in for a treat. HA! right. Anyway, I have been cramming my brain full of all kinds of historical factoids that I surely hope I remember the day I take my test (a week from today, thursday). I am making progress.....slowly, but it is coming. Some were asking what it was that I plan on teaching....and my plan for the fall is (once I pass my test) to be teaching high school History, Social Studies etc. and coaching track and field as well. I think I would be a fabulous teacher and an even better coach but I am a little biased. haha. but really, it's where my heart is at. AnYwhO, we haven't been up to too much. I took a day off of studying and spent the day out by the pool with kelley and it was a day WELL spent! Oh how I love the texas summers with a pool near by!! Ryan has been working his hiney off...he is very important you know. :) luvs ya hun. But he is very busy but he is LOVING his job. So, happy husby happy wifey.

The last major project on our house is the may remember photos from a previous post of the rain forrest jungle we had in the backyard?......well, some of it is already gone but we will be doing some MAJOR rennovations to the lovely jungle we have had. It will be one long, hard, hot day but oh the magic that is going to happen. Before and After shots will certainly be posted.

Well friends, sorry this is kind of lame and much more of a journaling post than anything but trust me after next thursday we will be back up and running again. Cross your fingers, toes, legs and eyes for me. :)

Friday, June 12, 2009

talk to ya later

Since we have completed most of what was on our TO DO list, you know the whole, moving, quiting macys, finding a part-time job, unpacking the new house and showers/weddings.....etc. Well, the last thing on that list is my TExES exam, which is my teacher certification exam. I get butterflies just thinking about it. I will be taking my exam June 25th and can't waste a single moment. I have SOOOOO much to study for. Wanna a little glimpse to see if you could pass??

It goes back to Ancient World Civilizations: You know these people, Cleopatra, Confucius, Plato, Alexander the Great and so on. Also we need to understand the major political, economic and cultural developments of Africa, Greece, Rome, Mesoamerica, South America, Middle East, Near East and Asia. ( seriously, what do you know historically of all of these?)

Then we move a little closer to the history of 476 A.D. to 1350. The time of Genghis Khan, Mohammed, Charlemagne, the Norman Conquest etc. With that we also need to know the social, economic, political and cultural changes that happened in this period. Of course also the whole Roman Catholic period and the rest of religious happenings...knowing and understanding how they relate to past happenings and how they shaped the future. (I am just now to this part. :[ )

Next up: 1350 to 1815: Martin Luther, The Black Death, Leo da Vinci, Napolean, Atlantic Slave trade. (stuff you may be a little more familiar with right?) Major developments of Africa, the Americas, Western/Eastern Europe, Middle East and Asia. European Renaissance and Reformation. European expansion. And of course all things social, cultural, political and economical. :)

Then we come to 1815 to PRESENT day: whew: as if you hadn't crammed enough in your brain already......We start with the events that have shaped the development of world civilizations from 1815 to now. that's A LOT! But some examples Simon Bolivar, Charles Darwin, Karl Marx, and the Russian Revolution. Then we need to understand the causes and effects of major political revolutions and independence movements of the 19th and 20th and now the 21st centuries. Add in their the understanding of political and cultural expansion, i.e. rise of British empire and Japanese expansionism. The industrial revolutions. Totalitarianism in the 20Th century. Causes and effects of WW1 and WW2. The spread and fall of communism (my fave period) And the influence of individuals, Adolf Hitler, Nelson Mandela, Mohandas Gandhi and Mother Teresa.

I will leave it at that. That is just the History of the World and US. Of course There is much more to learn, like the beliefs of each religion and the histories that go along with it, the roles of men, women and children in different cultures and the history of that. Of course, the majority of my test will be over world history and US history....but do you ever remember learning so much about the rest of the world in High School? I surely don't......and I LIKED history as a child, high school student and I LOVED it in College. So, I will be barricaded in my living room with the classical music blaring and studying like a madman trying to soak up every bit of history that I can. I WILL pass my test, so now I just need to go study. Wish me luck and I will talk to ya later.


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

This is for you MEGS

so, as I was looking through some old photos, look who I FOUND!! hahahahah! Just reminded me of the last time we went to the hook before we moved and how much you guys LOVE Carl Hayes. Not gonna lie, he is good......and we miss you guys!
p.s. he looks like a creeper and nasty sweaty man but this was AFTER he played. :)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

a wedding and a baby shower

How I spent my weekend

This wedding was for a girl, Candace who I used to work wtih at Macys in college station. She and her now husband spend LOTS of time at the lake and so they got married at their favorite waterin' hole. :) Of course I didn't mind cause the water is definitly my element! Plus it was a perfect sunny, HOT day for the boat, jet skis and bbq.

A few pics.....
saying their "i do's"

they are so sweet together.

mr. and mrs.

posing for all the pics.

bullet their dog and groomsman. he is so pretty!

flowers and wedding band. love men with wedding rings on. it's hot.
driving away into the...sun. ha.

their fave place
Then I had a baby shower for one of my bestest friends on Sunday. Tiffany and I go way back to.....freshman year in high school....if not earlier. We cheered together, polevaulted together and spent lots of time growing up together.I miss her a lot (they are now in South Carolina) because she is so far away but they are doing so fabulous!! Tiff and Robert (the hus.) have been married for 5 years and this is baby number 1!! Kaitlyn (sp?!) Pettijohn will be here late August and I am super excited to meet her! She is gonna be one heck of a smarty pants too! Robert is some type of nuclear engineer, and she is a Nurse!! I'm telling ya they are one power couple! Anyway, here are some shots at the baby shower, I had a blast!


baby booties!
~cake by george, ya can't go wrong!
Tiff!! isn't she cute preggo?!
Cutest gift ever...her husband is in the NAVY.
Vonna reading a prayer for Kaitlyn
She got ALL her furniture for her nursery! SWEET!
this is charlie, tiff's cousin...she is adorable
Katy (cousin), tiff and Me. Katy actually lived in college station the same time we did! small world.
sister's-in law and madeline, niece in law.
Tiff's family.
Memaw, Katy, Michael and charlie, Vonna, Tiff, Debbie, Andrea and Leslie

Now that the most of our "to-do" list has come and gone we can start to really settle into the new house and getting my teaching stuff completed. WHEW what a busy last month!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

houston happenings

So, we are all moved in. it all began last friday. My parents (alan and lynn) came up friday morning as well as a couple friends of ours from houston to help us load up our UHAUL to get on down the road to houston. A HUGE thanks to you guys who helped us move!! It made our lives so much easier and there was less of a chance of ryan and I killing each other with witnesses around. :) So our house is in the Heights-ish area and it is perfect for us for what we need. We were in a 3 bedroom 2 full bath house in college station but have dowgraded to a 2 bedroom 1 1/2 bath here in Houston. I think it is perfect (and less space I have to keep clean) for ryan and I and the two mutts....who seem to have adjusted just fine since all they have done is sleep around everywhere the last few days. We are minutes from all the goodness of Houston but without all the city fuss which we enjoy.

Moving along, I took a few shots to show how we managed to fit all of our furniture into this place, it was a little work but after much compromise and puzzle working we got it to fit just right. In these photos the bedroom, bathroom and office are not is still all too messy for me to air publicly. YIKES! not to mention that we are working with the landlords to fix our a.c. It is all new duct work but appearantly when the contracter was to hook up all the loose ends to the main area he just decided to shove it all in the corner and seal it up. sweet, good job, you slob! So, the landlords have very politlely come over to rip the ceiling off and attatch all of the ducts to the main unit thinger. It is now blowing pretty nicely all throughout the house. phew. Otherwise we would have had a fatty a.c. bill! gotta love those texas summers. :) ANYWAY, that is enough about the house, the rest of it is quite nice and we haven't had any problems thus far. Did I mention we are in a much older house? We think it was built like in the early 50's ish time, so it has seen it's fair share of tennants. Ok, for real, here are the pics. enjoy.

This is the view from the front door. It is our sitting room or formal dining room, but really, who is that formal anymore? we hardly make it to the dinner table. so sad. NOTE, to the left is the office and to the right is the master bedroom (which will not be pictured)

This is the opposite view of the front room.

As you walk through the front room you enter the kitchen. Yes, it has no cabinet doors. I have always wanted to have a kitchen like this and I have already decided I will ALWAYS select cabinet doors. :) yes, it only took me 5 days to make this decission but what you have has to always look like pottery barn kitchens (yea, right.) and the empty space you have to decorate. Really, who decorates their cabinets when you have doors......yea, something to think about huh?! haha. anyway, I do like them though, I just won't buy a house with a kitchen like this. :)

If you turn around from the kitchen you see this room. Our living room. It's pretty sweet and nice and open. Not to mention its like 5 feet from the fridge. YESSSS!
If you were to sit on our couch there in the living room and take a look to your left you would see this beautiful built-in bookcase that takes up the entire wall. Not gonna lie it's the perfect place for me to put on display my photo addiction. I told you I had a problem :) haha jk. We bashed out a couple shelves to fit the TV in there but I think ryan enjoyed that part of taking his aggression out because of my annoyance. Luvs ya huns! ANYway, I love this room. It's homey and sweet and guests will get to see all the fun pics we have of us and family through the years. Now, i need more frames. Straight off that amazing bookcase is the dining room. We have some more art to hang an such so it looks pretty sloppy. Don't judge. It's only been 5 days.
Ok, now brace yourselves kids. this backyard is one. hot. mess. !!! But it has quite the potential. We will be renovating our first backyard this summer. cross your fingers folks, this could be a sight to see. We are just renting but the landlords said, do WHATEVER you want. and so we will. Our plan: rip everything out but the gorgeous gigantic red oak and level it and then lay some new sod. the pups will love it. I can't wait to get dirty.


We are in an older house and the landlords have kept it antiqued for the most part. Which I love, for some reason it reminds me of Nana's house (my mom's mom) maybe its the smell of an old house and the fact that there are more random closets and doors than we know what to do with. HA. Oh, back in the day they certainly must not have had much of a wardrode, the bedroom closets are TINY. Ryan and I have made many compromises and agreements with the closet space. To give you an idea of what we are dealing with here, at the old house I had 2 walk-in closets FULL of bags, shoes and clothes. Here, I have 1 closet that is half the size of one of the closets at the old house. Let's just say I have cleaned out my closet and have nothing left that I am willing to sacrifice.....and getting there was tough. Ok, moving on, this is getting entirely too long. ugh. SO, what I like most about this house is that they have kept some old door knobs and have cute little handles for everything like you would find in an older home. These are my fave.

and this is roofus, our guard dog. he is the best ever. never had one accident and he always stays close to home. sweet boy.
Now that you are all asleep and bored with my longwindedness, I hope all is well with the rest of ya's. I can say that ryan and I are 100% happy to be back in houston. we are now closer to work, friends and some family. Thanks again to mom's and dad's who helped load, unload and clean both houses! So very much appreciated. Now, we are off to watch the red wings with some friends.