Since we have completed most of what was on our TO DO list, you know the whole, moving, quiting macys, finding a part-time job, unpacking the new house and showers/weddings.....etc. Well, the last thing on that list is my TExES exam, which is my teacher certification exam. I get butterflies just thinking about it. I will be taking my exam June 25th and can't waste a single moment. I have SOOOOO much to study for. Wanna a little glimpse to see if you could pass??
It goes back to Ancient World Civilizations: You know these people, Cleopatra, Confucius, Plato, Alexander the Great and so on. Also we need to understand the major political, economic and cultural developments of Africa, Greece, Rome, Mesoamerica, South America, Middle East, Near East and Asia. ( seriously, what do you know historically of all of these?)
Then we move a little closer to the history of 476 A.D. to 1350. The time of Genghis Khan, Mohammed, Charlemagne, the Norman Conquest etc. With that we also need to know the social, economic, political and cultural changes that happened in this period. Of course also the whole Roman Catholic period and the rest of religious happenings...knowing and understanding how they relate to past happenings and how they shaped the future. (I am just now to this part. :[ )
Next up: 1350 to 1815: Martin Luther, The Black Death, Leo da Vinci, Napolean, Atlantic Slave trade. (stuff you may be a little more familiar with right?) Major developments of Africa, the Americas, Western/Eastern Europe, Middle East and Asia. European Renaissance and Reformation. European expansion. And of course all things social, cultural, political and economical. :)
Then we come to 1815 to PRESENT day: whew: as if you hadn't crammed enough in your brain already......We start with the events that have shaped the development of world civilizations from 1815 to now. that's A LOT! But some examples Simon Bolivar, Charles Darwin, Karl Marx, and the Russian Revolution. Then we need to understand the causes and effects of major political revolutions and independence movements of the 19th and 20th and now the 21st centuries. Add in their the understanding of political and cultural expansion, i.e. rise of British empire and Japanese expansionism. The industrial revolutions. Totalitarianism in the 20Th century. Causes and effects of WW1 and WW2. The spread and fall of communism (my fave period) And the influence of individuals, Adolf Hitler, Nelson Mandela, Mohandas Gandhi and Mother Teresa.
I will leave it at that. That is just the History of the World and US. Of course There is much more to learn, like the beliefs of each religion and the histories that go along with it, the roles of men, women and children in different cultures and the history of that. Of course, the majority of my test will be over world history and US history....but do you ever remember learning so much about the rest of the world in High School? I surely don't......and I LIKED history as a child, high school student and I LOVED it in College. So, I will be barricaded in my living room with the classical music blaring and studying like a madman trying to soak up every bit of history that I can. I WILL pass my test, so now I just need to go study. Wish me luck and I will talk to ya later.
4 weeks ago
I love it, im jealous
WOW! I wouldn't pass. Is this a test specifically for history teachers, and if so I didn't know you wanted to be a history teacher! Good Luck! You will do great :)
good luck! you'll pass as long as you study, study, study.
take a break in the middle to turn the music up loud and dance. it keeps it from getting too tedious.
much luck to you! Let us know how it all goes!
are you planning on teaching History? or is this just the History section of your study manual? good luck! what is your part time job? wish I could have come over the other night with Robert!
Yuck D! Good luck. You will do great! Make sure to update all of us after you take it!
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