I have been really good in studying studiously for like a million days in a row and I do get on here and check up on everyone but just don't blog but this evening you all are in for a treat. HA! right. Anyway, I have been cramming my brain full of all kinds of historical factoids that I surely hope I remember the day I take my test (a week from today, thursday). I am making progress.....slowly, but it is coming. Some were asking what it was that I plan on teaching....and my plan for the fall is (once I pass my test) to be teaching high school History, Social Studies etc. and coaching track and field as well. I think I would be a fabulous teacher and an even better coach but I am a little biased. haha. but really, it's where my heart is at. AnYwhO, we haven't been up to too much. I took a day off of studying and spent the day out by the pool with kelley and it was a day WELL spent! Oh how I love the texas summers with a pool near by!! Ryan has been working his hiney off...he is very important you know. :) luvs ya hun. But he is very busy but he is LOVING his job. So, happy husby happy wifey.
The last major project on our house is the backyard......you may remember photos from a previous post of the rain forrest jungle we had in the backyard?......well, some of it is already gone but we will be doing some MAJOR rennovations to the lovely jungle we have had. It will be one long, hard, hot day but oh the magic that is going to happen. Before and After shots will certainly be posted.
Well friends, sorry this is kind of lame and much more of a journaling post than anything but trust me after next thursday we will be back up and running again. Cross your fingers, toes, legs and eyes for me. :)
6 months ago
Good job with being diligent and studying your heart out! It will pay off in the end. I think you will be a great history teacher and a fabulous coach!
Thanks for the update!! Sounds like you've been suuuuper busy! Glad you got a little break by the pool. We haven't even swam once this summer! It's been 75 and below AND raining for the last 2 weeks here! Hopefully it'll really be summer soon.
Good luck! We'll keep everything crossed for ya!
Hope that the back yard work went well! Good luck on the test. We will keep the fingers crossed for you! Let us know how it all goes!
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