So, last saturday my mother made an appointment to go and jump out of a perfectly good airplane. My dad bought this for her a while ago and she finally made time for it! I wish I could have been there with you mom, but I can't wait for the video! I am glad you made it up and down safely! GO MOM!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
jumping out of a plane!!!
Posted by ryan and danielle at 7:40 AM 7 comments
Friday, July 25, 2008
Project Runway

Posted by ryan and danielle at 8:03 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
so the movie post was ryan's attempt at posting something for the first time......
there is a political cartoon song that has been played on the TODAY show which you can find on it is actually kind of funny and clever but a little cras. anyway, you can cut and paster your face on one of the cartoons so that "you can appear in a movie!" haha. anyway, i was proud of him for at least posting...FINALLY but i dunno how to work the movie stuff so i can't fix it. but like i said you can go to the website and see the movie we were talking about.
Of course, ryan's first post is political. sooo typical.
Posted by ryan and danielle at 10:52 PM 2 comments
Friday, July 18, 2008
think real hard....
Posted by ryan and danielle at 2:50 PM 4 comments
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Im In A MOVIE!!! Watch the whole thing..But make sure and pause the music further down on the page.. You dont wanna miss this...
Posted by ryan and danielle at 8:54 PM 4 comments
Monday, July 14, 2008
i LOVE summer!!
This weekend ryan and I were looking forward to another mini vacation. I was especially looking forward to getting out of the store for a weekend because all of June and July I had to work EVERY weekend so I definately needed some time to just relax and have some fun!
We got together a group of friends we have out here in college station and planned on a weekend to go float the river. Now, if you are unfamiliar with the whole floating the river idea, let me fill ya in. Every summer when the water is warm, 1,000's of people flock to the guadalupe river, rent some tubes, pack some coolers and enjoy floating your happy hineys down to river. The float can last as long as you wish, anywhere from a couple of hours up to 5 or 6. Some of you may think it is boring and sounds pretty silly that all of these people live for this stuff but I have to say, it is quite relaxing and entertaining.Anyway, Ryan and I took the day off Friday to get the weekend started early. We drove out to New Braufels and arrived at the riverhouse at about 11 am. This house was so cute! Mr. Evans, the gentleman who opened up his house to us, had it decorated inside and out with University of Texas stuff. He had a burnt orange chevy sitting in the driveway, UT curtains, paintings, toilet seat, I mean everything. Mr. E is a pretty cool guy too. He actually had a house up the street that he actually lives in so he just has the river house so he can have people come and visit and it located RIGHT on the river! So you walk out the back door, down the stairs and hop right into the river. Nice.
I keep getting off track. Sorry. So once Ryan and I got to the house we got our tubes and got ready for float #1. Tim, one of our friends made a radio river proof so as we enjoyed the beautiful view we could also enjoy our country music. There were a couple of rapids we had to maneuver through but at the end of the four hours we all made it in one piece back to the trucks.
Then Saturday we woke up ate some breakfast waited for a couple more friends to join us and started the float all over again. After float #2, we all made it again safely down the river headed back to the house and got ready to go into Gruene and enjoy some AMAZING mexican food at Adobe Verde. It was very yummy! After dinner we just came back to the house and made our way to bed. All that time in the sun can really wear ya out! All in all Ryan and I had lots of fun and really enjoyed ourselves and time we had together.I just love summer! We have had a very busy July and it isn't over yet! We have one more vacation planned for the last week of july/first week of august to celebrate our ONE YEAR anniversary! I can't even believe how fast this first year has flown by!
Posted by ryan and danielle at 8:11 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
the bachelorette
being the sucker for reality television that i am i watched every episode of the bachelorette this season and WOW! i cannot believe that deanna picked jesse! i do think that he is extreemly down to earth and will, no matter what, always be himself. but i will say that i totally thought from the beginning that deanna would pick jason. i was truly surprised. However, i was soooo happy to see how in love the two of them were in the after the rose episode. they were absolutely adorable. they couldn't stop smiling, saying i love you, holding hands, kissing each can tell they are in it forever. yay for jesse and deanna!! i hope they film their wedding on the show as well!
now i will continue to watch, So You Think You Can Dance.....
Posted by ryan and danielle at 5:12 PM 3 comments
Sunday, July 6, 2008
4th of July
For the 4th we had a few things planned. We heard that a couple of Texas country bands were playing out at our favorite restraunt on lake brayn. So we called a few friends and all made our way out to the lake to hear Jason Bolland and Honey Brown sing us into the evening. It was nice to hang out with some friends and just enjoy ourselves. I just wish there were some fireworks. College Station had a big production planned so I think Bryan didn't want to try to compete with their "twin city." Even though there was no fireworks display where we were we had a lot of fun two-stepping the night away.
And one of the band members from the Jason Bolland Band looks just like John Redcorn from King of the Hill. We found it kind of funny so I proceeded to document with photos.
Then saturday, after I got off work, Ryan and I packed up the truck and headed out to Austin to visit my best friend, christa! She moved that moved away to nashville a few years ago was going to be in town visiting with some friends so I told her we would definitley come see her! I have been to austin a couple of times but it was just to the track at the university so I had never really seen the "hill country." It is so beautiful out there! I am sure I was pretty annoying to Ryan as he was driving because I was freaking out about how high up we were in the hills and I just kept imagining our truck flying off the side of the cliff and crashing into the water. I don't know why I was so jumpy! We finally arrived to the condo and Christa and I picked up right where we left off. We stayed up until about 5 am just catching up on life and love and everything else under the sun. We finally got a couple hours of shut eye and then it was up and at 'em and out to the lake. They skiied and I watched, soaking up every little bit of sun I could. That water is so green and clear, truly the most beautiful lake I have been to. Once we were done on the boat it was time to pack up and get on the road but Ryan and I wanted to play in the sun just alittle bit more so we found a spot and setup shop. After about an Hour we decided we should really get on the road this time. It was a fabulous 4th and we had a lot of fun this weekend.
Ryan and I being akward and silly.
Posted by ryan and danielle at 6:24 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
rainy days
Posted by ryan and danielle at 3:19 PM 1 comments
Fresh Start
For anyone out there who ever looks at this blog-a-licious blog, I am sure you noticed I started all over! From my last post on the previous blog titled, "help!" I was expressing some frustrations I was having with the new background and text and all that good stuff. So, instead of trying to fix, un-fix, redo and then undo everything, I just said screw it and deleted the blog and started all over. Now, I am getting things put back how I REALLY want them. I am no wiz at this so I figured it was just easier. That and I am kinda picky and a aslight perfectionist so I dont want anything out there that isn't exactly what/how I want it.

Posted by ryan and danielle at 2:47 PM 6 comments
my love
1. What is his name? ryan myles walsh
2. Who eats more? ryan, but sometimes i do.
3. Who said I love you first? I brought up the topic, but he felt the same way. obviously :)
4. Who is taller? Ryan by a FOOT! me 5'3 to ryan 6'4!!
5. Who is smarter? ryan always knows more about the world and what is going on in our surroundings, but i would say i have more logic.
6. Who is more sensitive? me. i am sure ryan would agree.
7.Who does the laundry? ryan usually starts it and i usually finish it.
8. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? standing at the foot of the bed, me.
9. Who pays the bills? ryan makes the moolah but we try to pay them together so we both know where the money is going.
10. Who cooks more? RYAN! i really do not enjoy cooking. but i don't mind cleaning up.
11. What meals do you cook together? since ryan does most of the cooking i just help by making the sides. I make some pretty good taters, corn and green beans , hahaha.
12. Who is more stubborn? o that is certainly me.
13. Who is the first to admit they're wrong? ryan says it alot but i think it is just to shut me up and stop the argument. like i said, i am quite stubborn.
14. Who has more siblings? ME! i have 3 and ryan has 1.
15. Who wears the pants in the relationship? it's a shared effort.
16. What do you like to do together? go for walks, work out, take the dogs to the park or on walks, watch tv, play on our computers, stuff around the house, pretty much anything.
17. Who eats more sweets? ryan definately eats more dessert sweets! he loves his chocolate cake and puding and all those sweet foods. but i do enjoy those sweet and sour candy, but i dont buy them so i don't eat them. So ryan still eats way more sweets than i do.
18. His Guilty pleasures? chocolate pudding. and he likes to get into some of the reality shows that i watch. it is funny when he brings up the shows and says, "i can't believe he was so stupid to do that." or something along those lines. he always pretends like he never wants anything to do with those shows but still knows what is going on.
19. How did you meet? through friends. A girl i was working with invited me to his little birthday party and when we walked in there was a seat open next to him. We talked all night and then he got up, said he had to go to work, and walked out the door without getting my number. terd! but he then later text messaged one of his buddies that was still out with us and told him to get my number so that he could invite me out with them more. haha. boys are so silly!
21. Who kissed who first? ryan kissed me when he walked me to my car after a night out.
22. Who proposed? ryan proposed on stage at a roger creager concert with a bunch of close friends present. so much fun!
23. His best features? his smile and dimples, soft lips, arms, legs, eyes, how tall he is, how smart he is.
24. What is his greatest quality? that he wants nothing less than to be successful and happy. he is very patient with me, the dogs, he is so thoughtful and always does small little things that make my day. he constantly tells me he loves me and how important i am to him.
25. Tag? well, if you haven't been tagged yet by anyone else, consider yourself tagged!
Posted by ryan and danielle at 12:32 PM 0 comments