For anyone out there who ever looks at this blog-a-licious blog, I am sure you noticed I started all over! From my last post on the previous blog titled, "help!" I was expressing some frustrations I was having with the new background and text and all that good stuff. So, instead of trying to fix, un-fix, redo and then undo everything, I just said screw it and deleted the blog and started all over. Now, I am getting things put back how I REALLY want them. I am no wiz at this so I figured it was just easier. That and I am kinda picky and a aslight perfectionist so I dont want anything out there that isn't exactly what/how I want it.

We're glad you started over instead of just giving up. We haven't ever changed our background because we hear of people losing stuff all the time, and I think if it happened to us...we might just give up. The new blog looks great!
Looking good!! I too am a perfectionist, so I totally understand your frustrations. I love the pictures on the side! Good job!
Love the blog update! Glad you are still doing a blog. I love keeping up on what you are doing.
Keep posting!
Looks great! Glad you're not giving up - it's fun to see how you're doing :)
Hey, Danielle!!! Love the blog!! It's so fun to see you guys on here and see what you're up to! We're new to blogging too, but we LOVE it, cause we can read about everybody instead of always asking "how's so-and-so" guys look great!! I'm gonna add ya to ours, okay?? ;)
Sorry I had no words of help for your questions before. I am so blog retarted. I've never changed my background because I think you have to re-do all the stuff in your columns and that's just too much work for me! However, I know that people re-do their's all the time so there must be an easy way. But I'm like you, if I don't get it exactly how I want it then I'll get mad and won't do anything else until it looks perfect...and then my kids might not eat for a few days so it's best I keep mine like it is, hahahaha!
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