So, last saturday my mother made an appointment to go and jump out of a perfectly good airplane. My dad bought this for her a while ago and she finally made time for it! I wish I could have been there with you mom, but I can't wait for the video! I am glad you made it up and down safely! GO MOM!
4 weeks ago
wow! That is so awesome! I don't even know if I could do that! ;o)
That is so cool!!! Your dad emailed that pic to my mom and when I saw it I felt cooler knowing that that is my aunt :)
WOW!!! Go Lynn!! That's awesome!! She's a braver woman than I am!! :)
there was talk a few years ago about me and some friends doing that. we didn't end up going, but i think even if we had, there's a slight chance i may have chickened out in the end.
now!!! there's no way i'd do it!! too scary!! good for your mom!! she's very brave!!
I can't believe she did it! Actually...I can. Eric is a lot like your mom. He thinks that he and I are going to do that one day. I let him know he can go alone. I've gotta make sure one of us sticks around for the kids, right?!
Happy Birthday Ryan!! Hope you guys had fun at the lake!
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