being the sucker for reality television that i am i watched every episode of the bachelorette this season and WOW! i cannot believe that deanna picked jesse! i do think that he is extreemly down to earth and will, no matter what, always be himself. but i will say that i totally thought from the beginning that deanna would pick jason. i was truly surprised. However, i was soooo happy to see how in love the two of them were in the after the rose episode. they were absolutely adorable. they couldn't stop smiling, saying i love you, holding hands, kissing each can tell they are in it forever. yay for jesse and deanna!! i hope they film their wedding on the show as well!
now i will continue to watch, So You Think You Can Dance.....
4 weeks ago
YES! someone who shares my affinity for the greatness of this show. i love the pic you posted of them. it perfectly shows how precious and passionate they are together. i'm totally digging this couple. i can't wait to see if their wedding is broadcast. that would make my day.
the best thing about them is that they show other people that true love is possible and that you can be absolutely head over heels for someone else like they are. i fear that a lot of people in the world are jaded about love....
i'm happy to say that i feel that way about my hubby and it looks to me like you feel the same about your husband! life is good, isn't it?
i'm so happy she picked him. they go better together, i thought. and i love how in love they are, too. i don't usually think the couples from these shows seem as IN LOVE as they do, and that makes me happy. maybe they'll actually last and go through with the wedding, unlike most other couples!
I had watched the show up to the episode where Jeremy was left without a rose, then I missed the last ones.... and heard that Jesse won. Honestly, I was so surprised and and a little upset because I didn't think she had as much in common with him, and I was still mad that she let Jeremy go. When I finally watched the last episodes, though, I was happy that she chose Jesse and that they are sooo happy! After seeing them together more I can see that she loves how crazy and fun he is, and she wanted that excitement in her life. SORRY this is so long, but you just provided a place for me to write all my feelings about the show, since Brady refuses to watch it with me!
Anyway, I am so happy for them! This show was so much more heartfelt and it truly seems that they are in love, but my heart always hurts a little for the boys that seemed to also truly be in love with her and got their hearts broken (Jeremy and Jason). It will be fun to see DeAnna and Jesse get married and where their life goes from there :)
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