Well, I have thanksgiving off as my "holiday" this year. YAY! At least I get a holiday. What does this consist of? It just means that my two days off this week are Wed and Thurs. how nice. So, I have been wanting to go camping cause I LOVE camping when it's cold outside! I begged and begged Ryan to take me camping but he kept claiming he couldn't take any extra days off work this week and he had too much to turn in before Thurs. so it would basically be impossible to get off. If you know me, I do not do well with "No's" and so I pouted, threw a tantrum and acted wayyyyy under my age for a few days. Then yesterday, while at work enduring a 12 hours VP visit to the store, I received an email from Ryan with a cute picture of a cabin in New Braunfels. I asked Ryan why he was sending me pics of a house and he said, "That's where we are staying tomorrow night." He had already planned to take me camping and had all the arrangements taken care of. How thoughtful. Of course, this made me feel like one big fat terd because I was such a brat. But we are now off to our cabin for the day/night and then we are going to enjoy hot dogs and cool weather instead of turkey and stuffing at the UT vs. A&M game in Austin. Good Luck to Shelly as sheer cheers on the Horns and GO HORNS!! (i am sure it won't be a close game.) HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO EVERYONE!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
football season
Last weekend ryan and I also went in to Houston to go to the UH football game. We were able to go tailgating with a few friends and catch up. Here's some pics. this will be our christmas card. :)
the girls waiting for the team to walk through
Posted by ryan and danielle at 8:00 AM 3 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
the carnival
And so we went. We had alots of fun riding all 4 rides. haha, there wasn't a huge selection of games or rides but we still enjoyed ourselves. here are some pics......
Posted by ryan and danielle at 6:44 PM 4 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
MaraTHon time
well, as of yesterday, there is ONE month to go til the 1/2 marathon in dallas! WOAH! I am crazy pumped and just keep hoping I make it to raceday healthy and prepared. It will be a good test-run for the real deal. I hope it isn't too much harder than I am expecting it to be. I need to make some plans for some serious massages afterwards.....anyway, just thought I would let you in on my countdown!!!
speaking of countdowns, there are only 42 days to christmas! every day my boss keeps saying that. it is kind of annoying, cause she says it with this high pitched sqealy voice like a high school cheerleader jumpin up and down. haha. the image makes me laugh a little. but it is EXACTLY how she is. SO, have you started your chrismas shopping?????? yea, me neither.
Posted by ryan and danielle at 6:23 PM 6 comments
I am on the 4 and final book of the Twilight series and I cannot wait to finish it! We have made plans to go home to dallas next weekend and that is also the weekend the MOVIE comes out!!!! YaY! I am so excited! I am also making my momma and sister go with me but I think they were already planning on seeing the movie, so I guess I am just adding myself to their plans. but it's whatever. anyway, can't wait to see you guys! love you!
Posted by ryan and danielle at 6:18 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 8, 2008
{Sorry for the 3 posts in one night but I seem to find this therapeutic}
There is a carnival in town and I have been wanting to go since I saw them piecing it all together. Tonight, I get home from work and ask Ryan, "You wanna go to the carnival tonight?" He responds, "Ummm, yea, I guess." I in turn say, "You seem to be a little wary of going to the carnival....." and he says, " Those things travel the world with drug dealers as operators....So, yea." HAHAHAHA. It may not be true about the drug dealer part but it is true. But we WILL go to the carnival and WE will like it! haha. anyway, hopefully pics to follow.....
Posted by ryan and danielle at 5:38 PM 2 comments
office space momemt
I totally had an office space moment today. And I hope that you all don't get the wrong impression of my view of work. I enjoy my job, I do. Just usually the stories I have are little annoyances. Maybe it's time I change my perspective? But usually I just end up shrugging it off and laughing anyway, so maybe I am doin alright. ANY-wayyyyy, this morning, I was trying to make just 25 copies of something and then darn thing KEPT JAMMING!!!! UGH! haha, so i had to keep popping the thing open (this copier is like the size of texas, cannon type of copiers) and ripping all the paper out from all of the crevices so it would quite beeping and yelling at me. I at one point had to stick my arm, up to my ELBOW into the thing, stretching to reach this little piece that had been jammed and then the copier started melting my skin off!!! HaHAHAHA. Just kidding. But it did burn me. * dang thing* but really no harm done. SOooooo, i just said screw it, after I kicked it a couple of times and went on my way, leaving the problem for someone else to deal with. haha. oops. But my day turned out productive and went without a hitch. So I guess sometimes the mornings are just the time for all the kinks to get worked out.
Posted by ryan and danielle at 5:29 PM 1 comments
shake it like a polaroid pitcha
I was thinking today, {(haha, I know, "how did it feel?" at least that is what ryan usually says)} that I would absolutely LOVE a polaroid camera. I love how you can take a picture and then the thing spits one out for you, no uploading, no sending photos online and having to go pick them up....it's just "say cheese, *snap*" and then there is the picture. I also love how raw the photos always turn out. Anyway, I was thinking how much I really want one and then I was thinking, do they even make them anymore? haha! I know my parents used to have one, but knowing my mom, (a packrats nightmare) we probably don't have it anymore. (LOVE you mom!) Just a thought I had.
Posted by ryan and danielle at 5:24 PM 2 comments
Friday, November 7, 2008
The Perfect Gift
As I was driving home from work today, I got to thinking....man, "I have a lot of Christmas shopping to do." Then I was going down the list of the family and friends that I/we have to shop for and wondering what everyone would want. Of course, I want them to like what I get them and for them to have some meaning, thought behind it. AND I (most of the time) want my gift to be the best gift they had received, that would be the competitive side of me coming out. But I do want the gift to suit the person receiving it, hoping they would use it at any chance they had and just adore the gift. I think this is something we as humans hope for and not just me (tell me if I am mistaken.) but I also know that I have given and received a couple of gifts that have never seen the light of day. :( Anyway, my point here really is once I got to thinking in this 7 minute drive home from work was, "What is the perfect gift?" Everyone has that tough "customer" they have to buy for, for me, my mom and dad (seems like they have it all!) but what do you get that person who you want to give the world to but just can't afford it, you want to tell them that you love and care about them but just not sure how, you want to show them they are worth more than anything in the world......what is the perfect gift?
Posted by ryan and danielle at 9:19 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
christmas time already?!
WARNING: I am just venting so please do not perceive me as being a grumpy little lady sitting on my couch typing away with a scrunched up face and bitterness towards the holidays. :)
Today, I heard Christmas music playing on our radio at work and this was the thought that came to mind.
"Is it really necessary to already have our entire Christmas setup done? I didn't even get a Halloween!"
Working in the retail rat race I feel that sometimes we get ahead of ourselves and lose track of where we are in the “here and now.” For instance, Last Friday I finalized my entire Christmas setup. That's right, 2 months before Christmas I was christened by the big folks who ran through my department and sprinkled us with their holy water. Of course it took me two weeks and only 17,000 floor moves; but in those two weeks I feel like I missed Halloween. In my haste of trying to get everything ready and my mind spinning in circles over what goes where, I lost track of where I was in real life. I was approaching the last days of October with Halloween around the corner ....needless to say we didn't have much planned. We were able to scrounge up some plans in the last minutes with some good friends of ours and we had a lot of fun but I am most sad that we weren't able to really plan a fun costume or have a party of our own :( So, here I am now, in the first week of November and today for the first time hearing Christmas music on our radio at work.
I am beginning to sound whinny and that is not my intention. I can only say that I wish all retailers would take the holidays one at a time. Celebrate each of them, separately, by themselves. Instead of having their entire Christmas setup blasting through the store before you can even say "trick or treat." I think that the Holidays are a time to really sit and enjoy the time we have together, be goofy and dress up like goons, give thanks for what we have and what has been given to us, to celebrate families and the time we have together. I wish the retailers saw it all from another perspective, for the sake of sanity amongst the associates and to give them time to think twice about their life outside of work. I love the holiday season and get so excited when this time of year comes around, but I just want some actual time to truly enjoy each holiday.
I guess I just need to keep a better eye on what is really happening as it is happening and not just what is happening in the land of Macy’s.
Posted by ryan and danielle at 8:51 PM 3 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
It's Official
Well, as of 8:32 this evening I am now registered to run the 1/2 marathon. whew. It certainly makes me nervous but I know it will be a perfect gauge of how the full marathon will go for me in February in Austin. But I am excited to run the 1/2 cause I will be doing so with mi madre, my sister, aunt jana and cousin jacuelynn and my Nana will be in tow as well, but just as an onlooker. So, it will be a fun family affair. Hopefully all goes well and we finish in one piece. ~wish us luck!~
Posted by ryan and danielle at 6:32 PM 8 comments