I was thinking today, {(haha, I know, "how did it feel?" at least that is what ryan usually says)} that I would absolutely LOVE a polaroid camera. I love how you can take a picture and then the thing spits one out for you, no uploading, no sending photos online and having to go pick them up....it's just "say cheese, *snap*" and then there is the picture. I also love how raw the photos always turn out. Anyway, I was thinking how much I really want one and then I was thinking, do they even make them anymore? haha! I know my parents used to have one, but knowing my mom, (a packrats nightmare) we probably don't have it anymore. (LOVE you mom!) Just a thought I had.
4 weeks ago
i really wanted one to, but i think they JUST stopped making them. i could be wrong, but that's what i heard. Soooo, we're outta luck. :(
I was thinking about buying one (you can find them on ebay) but then I found out that they have already stopped making film for polaroids, so what would be the point. So sad. They do take lovely pics.
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