As I was driving home from work today, I got to, "I have a lot of Christmas shopping to do." Then I was going down the list of the family and friends that I/we have to shop for and wondering what everyone would want. Of course, I want them to like what I get them and for them to have some meaning, thought behind it. AND I (most of the time) want my gift to be the best gift they had received, that would be the competitive side of me coming out. But I do want the gift to suit the person receiving it, hoping they would use it at any chance they had and just adore the gift. I think this is something we as humans hope for and not just me (tell me if I am mistaken.) but I also know that I have given and received a couple of gifts that have never seen the light of day. :( Anyway, my point here really is once I got to thinking in this 7 minute drive home from work was, "What is the perfect gift?" Everyone has that tough "customer" they have to buy for, for me, my mom and dad (seems like they have it all!) but what do you get that person who you want to give the world to but just can't afford it, you want to tell them that you love and care about them but just not sure how, you want to show them they are worth more than anything in the world......what is the perfect gift?
4 weeks ago
Your last few sentences just summed up the perfect gift! Especially for your parents. Some times the perfect gift isn't found on a shelf. Telling someone how your truly feel is an amazing gift. ( I know that is the parent side of me coming out!)
Good luck with all the shopping! I too am starting to feel like I need to get going on that end!
Your last few sentences just summed up the perfect gift! Especially for your parents. Some times the perfect gift isn't found on a shelf. Telling someone how your truly feel is an amazing gift. ( I know that is the parent side of me coming out!)
Good luck with all the shopping! I too am starting to feel like I need to get going on that end!
I know how you're feeling. I love Christmas and I like getting people gifts, but knowing what to get is so hard. Especially when you're not around the people you're buying don't know what they need or want. Anyway, Good luck!
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