Well, as of 8:32 this evening I am now registered to run the 1/2 marathon. whew. It certainly makes me nervous but I know it will be a perfect gauge of how the full marathon will go for me in February in Austin. But I am excited to run the 1/2 cause I will be doing so with mi madre, my sister, aunt jana and cousin jacuelynn and my Nana will be in tow as well, but just as an onlooker. So, it will be a fun family affair. Hopefully all goes well and we finish in one piece. ~wish us luck!~
4 weeks ago
Best of luck. I gotta say that when I saw the title of your post I thought it was going to say that you were pregnant, not that you are trying to be or anything (for those of you who think I know something you don't, I don't). But this is also very good news.
Exciting! Good luck!
Good for you! How fun that you're all doing it together! Good luck!
yea!!! good luck!
haha, i thought it kinda would sound like that too eric/sarah but o well. to confirm i am not. :) haha.
I'm signed up too, however, I seriously doubt that I will actually "run", it will be more like a fast walk for me : ) It'll be fun though!
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