Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I vacuumed the tile and wood floors today. I felt like a weirdo doing so.....but hey, if Mr. Dyson is gonna put an option to do so on the vacuum, then why not?! I still feel like a weirdo.

Por Que?!

because I just think that vacuums are too fragile for tile floors (and they make too much noise) and wood floors should be swept?!...... who knows. maybe I am just a weirdo. But really, it worked and I am pleased with my tile, wood, carpet floor vacuum. It's pretty sweet, not gonna lie.

yes, this is all i really have to blog about! how LAME am I!?!?! BUT, only 2 days til Nashville and 3 days til my half. I'm getting excited!!!

p.s. I am completely aware that my two words of Spanish are probably grammatically incorrect but who cares. right?!


Kimbo said...

Hey good luck at your race! I love half marathons. They're the perfect distance b/c you don't feel like ultimate death when you're done unlike the full :) I can't wait to hear how it goes...

Carrie said...

i must be a wierdo too. i vaccum the kitchen when i'm too lazy to sweep. and i don't have a nice dyson that was built for it.

August said...

I heart my Dyson! I use the tools on counter tops and the tops of fan blades. Try it out sometime! haha! So glad that my mom got us one for Christmas! :o)

taryn said...

Consider yourself lucky that you have nice enough vacuum that CAN vacuum the wood and tile floors! I've resorted to sweeping the kitchen dust/crap into the living room so I can just vacuum it up! In other words, I'm the weirdo!

Eric said...

Its not weird. I vacuum the tile floors too. Its so convenient!